Returns and Exchanges
If you have changed your mind about your purchase, or the item you received is damaged, or otherwise not as described on our website, we offer a full refund (excluding shipping costs) for up to 14 days from the original purchase date.
To request a return or exchange, please email us at with your Order Number and reason for your return, and we will be happy to ship you a new item, or refund the price you paid for the product (excluding shipping costs).
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the original packaging. We will review your email and provide you with a return merchandise authorization (RMA) prior to shipping your product back to us. Please make sure the returned product is carefully wrapped and provide a tracking number (if applicable) for all return items, as we are unable to refund items that are damaged due to improper protection and we are not responsible for lost or damaged products being returned to us.
We ask that you allow up to 5 business days for us to process your refund after we have received your returned item. Once we have inspected the item, we will credit the original payment method according to the processing time of your bank.